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Welcome to the Self-Care September hub!!​


Here you'll find any and all information pertaining to this "challenge."


First: what is Self-Care September?


It's a challenge to get you thinking about self-care every day. These self-care tasks don't have to be lengthy or complicated (no requirement to light a candle and do an hour of self-discovery in the misty morning light of a mountain...although you can if that floats your boat).


These should be easy (preferably short) things you can do to catch up on taking care of yourself, so you can make sure your creative well is filled!

Yoga Subscription Giveaway


Our first giveaway this month is for a year membership to!


To enter, simply fill out this form: 


You must be 18+ to enter. No purchase necessary. E-mail required to receive giveaway.

Goodie Box Raffle

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I'll be doing a weekly giveaway on my YouTube channel, but for an additional chance at a"Writerly Self-Care Goodie Box," I'm opening a $1 reward on my Patreon page. Think of this as an entry in a raffle!


This is just for the month of September, and the number of boxes will depend on how many people join the "raffle." You'll also get a chance to vote on some of the contents!


Week 1 Self-Care Printable

If you're a "print it out" kind of person, then click the image to download a PDF file of your Self-Care Card!


Even if you're planning to only use the Instagram template (below), be sure to check out the self-care ideas in the PDF!

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Instagram Story Template

Self Care September Instagram Stories Template

Don't forget to grab your Instagram Story template and tag me @Vivien.L.Reis!!

Press & hold the image to download!


© 2018 by Vivien Reis

Vivien Reis



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