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Looking for a fun way to keep track of your word count?


Three word count tracker printables, perfect for keeping track of your writing goals for NaNoWriMo or Camp NaNoWriMo!


Included in this bundle as a .zip folder:
• 30 day & 31 day circular tracker
• 30 day & 31 day daily grid tracker
• 50k word typewriter tracker
• Instructions on how to resize to your needs


Simply print out your favorite design (or all three!) and affix to your bullet journal, planner, your desk, the wall, a mirror, the toilet ;) ...anywhere that'll help keep you and your writing accountable!

Specify your own targets on the circular track and grid tracker. Color in each key on your typewriter for your NaNoWriMo goals.


Note: this is a digital product and will be available for download on the "Thank you" page after checkout as a .zip folder. To extract the files from the .zip folder, right-click or secondary-click and select "Extract."


Happy writing!
🤍 Vivien

Word Count Tracker Bundle - Perfect for NaNoWriMo & Camp NaNoWriMo!

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