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8 Tips to Writing Better Fight Scenes
Since I started my online platform, my most frequently asked question or suggestion has been on writing action scenes. It’s taken me this...
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16 Types of Characters to Use in Your Novel (and a test to help you character build)
I’m sure all of you have heard of the Myers-Briggs test. Some of you may already be using this test to really figure out who your...
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9 Tips to Writing Better Dialogue (that brings your novel to the next level)
This is sometimes my favorite part of a story - the words that the characters say to one another. They're usually the most quotable...
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How to Strengthen Your Novel's Plot (and why I think you should take a second look at it)
I’ve talked an awful lot about goals lately. I’m actually in the process of completed one of my larger quarterly goals: buying a house!...
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How to Write a Prologue (and whether or not you should)
To prologue or not to prologue? Either you’ve asked this question before, or you’re wondering why I’m asking it now. I was part of the...
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The Great Show vs. Tell Debate (and how to tell which one you need)
There's a specific reason I titled this post "Show vs. Tell" rather than the more common "Show, Don't Tell." Because not all telling is...
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How to Write Amazing Characters!
Writing a novel is hard. There's just no way around that. You're building an entire world that, hopefully, someone doesn't mind getting...
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